Collagen Loss

The primary culprit behind the advance of aging skin is collagen loss. The unfortunate truth is that wrinkles and sagging skin are unavoidable signs of aging caused by this issue. As you experience a decline in collagen, your face may look less plump and youthful as it once did. This is called facial volume loss, and it is not uncommon once people get past the age of 30. Addressing the gradual aging process is one of our primary specialties here at Healing Light Aesthetics. Our Rutland, VT team can offer you a range of treatment options to restore the look of your skin and deliver powerful results.

Why Does Collagen Loss Occur?

Collagen loss is a gradual process that results from natural aging and environmental exposure. Collagen is a critical substance for keeping your skin looking supple, plump, and young. It hydrates and lifts the skin, allowing it to stretch when you exercise your muscles and still snap back to its normal position. As you age, you lose collagen, as well as many of its skin-tightening effects. Though there is no way to prevent this process from starting, there are means of stalling it or reversing the effects of age through appropriate treatment methods.

Woman with some collagen loss

What Are the Consequences of Collagen Loss?

If you suffer from facial volume loss due to a decline in collagen, you may notice thinner lips, hollow cheeks, and increasingly sagging skin. While these issues do not present any health risk, many people do not appreciate how much older collagen loss can make them look. If you are unhappy with your appearance due to a decline in collagen, we can provide you with a range of treatment options.

Options for Improving Collagen Quantity

At Healing Light Aesthetics, we can provide you with a range of different treatment options to address your every skin need. When you arrive at our center, we will take the time to evaluate your skin and determine the most suitable skin treatment course. Some of our most popular options for facial rejuvenation and collagen promotion include:


Collagen Loss Treatments in Rutland, Vermont

At Healing Light Aesthetics, we are ready to help you achieve your aesthetic goals. If you’re unhappy with the appearance of your skin, we invite you to visit us today. Please fill out the form below or call (802) 775-7440 to connect with our team today. We’re looking forward to hearing from you!

Our Treatments

Elite iQ™ Laser Facial Skin Rejuvenation SmoothLase™ Skin Tightening TempSure® Envi Skin Tightening Secret™ RF Microneedling